I'm going to get a little personal today - hope you don't mind? See, my primary motivation for striking out on my own was to control my own destiny - yeah that sounds cheesy I know but, really it is the best way to describe it. But in addition to that desire to control my own destiny, I have a disability that often complicates working a "regular" job under the direction of another - working for myself allows me to structure my day around the needs and complications of my disability while being as productive as possible.
Some think working from home is easy, working for yourself from home even easier... yes there is a great amount of flexibility when it comes to working for yourself from home, that is a definite advantage. However, in running my small business(es) from home I have realized that things aren't so starkly defined, things are no where near as simple as a yes/no choice but rather it's more like choosing the lessor of two evils (for lack of a better way of putting it).
Here is some food for thought that I have picked up over the last year and a half:

Working doesn't guarantee a paycheck - I have worked the equivalent of 100 hrs and made nothing, conversely I have worked as little as 5 hours and made a over $100!
You are always ON, at least in the beginning - if I don't (and others like me) make myself as available as possible, I lose out on potential income; as such I am always on... if I am up in the middle of the night and get a message from some overseas (or just another night owl like me!) I respond as quickly as possible, in general I try not to let a message go more than 4-6 hours without a response... with more success, hopefully I will have the means to have official down time (I can dream right? lol)
You have to put your personal preferences aside, a LOT - I make things I like a lot and there are certain consulting activities I prefer, however I have to temper that with what customers like... even if it doesn't agree with my tastes, I am essentially working for them, not myself! I want customers to patronize my business(es) right?

You have to have a public self - especially if you, like me, use social media to conduct your business in anyway; you need to be conscious of how you conduct yourself personally and professionally as people can and will search you with ease to carry out some ill intended vengeance for a perceived wrong.
Just like at parties, if you conduct your business online via platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. you should stay away from the 3 Fighting Topics (sex, religion and politics), things usually don't end well when you dive in to those pits! Remember, 1 second on the internet means an eternity in reality - people are not likely to forget your mistakes easily and what you say personally can/will effect you professionally.
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